With the upcoming winter season, temperatures are going to drop here in the Lehigh Valley. We always want to make sure our little ones are comfortable and they are at a safe temperature - whether hot or cold. As new moms/dads, we want to keep baby warm, but we have to be careful that baby is comfortable. I love working with so many wonderful parents and get the opportunity to discuss this exact subject.
Here are some tips for keeping your baby warm during the colder nights
Purchase some warm, cozy fitted flannel sheets for the crib. This will be super helpful so you won’t have to layer the little one with clothing - the sheets will be nice and warm already. Layering your baby can make them get too hot even though it is cold, which will cause them to wake up during the night.
A huge plus is the footed onesie pajamas for babies. They are not only warm but super easy to dress.
A sleep sack is good for babies under 10 months old. This will keep them warm and is an alternative to swaddling. If you are swaddling your little one - during the colder months you can just put them in a onesie underneath or just socks, to keep them warm and comfortable.
To see if your baby is too warm - do a skin check. Place your hand on the nape of their neck - you should feel a coolness. Shouldn’t feel cold and shouldn’t feel moisture or sweat. It is best to remove any extra layers at night for the baby so they do not overheat. If they feel too cold - add another lightweight layer.
These tips aren’t just great for when baby is sleeping, but when you may think about venturing out with your newborn. We always want you and baby to be comfortable when coming to the studio for your photo shoot, a good comfortable nights sleep is key to have them prepared for the big day!